Borrowing and Returning

How long does it take to order a book from another library?


Books can be requested from another library in the City of Southend free of charge but for books ordered via SELMS(our partner libraries outside the City of Southend for £3.00 per request). Timescales depend on the reservation process, searching for the books and transporting them to the chosen library.

How long does it take to order a book from another library?2023-04-19T09:03:15+00:00

Is the late fee still applicable?


The loan period is 3 weeks. A late fee is applicable at 20p per day.

Is the late fee still applicable?2023-02-15T15:43:53+00:00

Can I renew my books?


Books can be renewed online at, via the Spydus Mobile App and by telephone at any library during their opening hours by calling 01702 215011.

Can I renew my books?2023-04-19T09:03:55+00:00

Are there any borrowing restrictions on books?


You can borrow up to fourteen items for 3 weeks. Library Use only and FE/HE books are available as reference only and unavailable for loan on a public library card.

Are there any borrowing restrictions on books?2023-04-19T09:04:56+00:00
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